Portable Oil Analysis - ladtci.com

Portable Oil Analysis

The Particle Pal Pro utilizes new digital imaging technology which provides greater insight into the size and type of particulate in any oil system. Air bubble elimination and shape recognition gives root cause particle analysis. Remaining oil life and water content sensors complete the package

A vision of the future

Harnessing the power of proven digital imaging technology

We’ve embedded the latest in particle counting technology into our new Particle Pal Pro series. Giving ISO 4406 counts as well as 4, 6, 14, 21, 38, 70 & >100 micron sizing and bubble elimination. Digital imaging combined with advanced algorithms sorts particles into fatigue wear, cutting wear and sliding wear categories to give root cause analysis.

This powerful technology, when coupled with additional sensors for measuring water content and oil life, gives unprecedented on the spot insight into the condition of your oil.


  • Particle counts using the new Atten2 counter: ISO 4406, SAE & NAS
  • Broader spectrum of micron sizing – 4, 6, 14, 21, 38, 70 and >100 micron
  • Shape recognition in the software to categorise:
    • Fatigue wear
    • Sliding wear
    • Cutting wear
    • Fibres
High-pressure option
  • A high-pressure version of every model is also available
Particulate analysis

The Atten2 digital imaging particle counter gives advanced size and shape recognition for any sample. Counting particulate in virtually any oil up to 2,400cSt, the Atten2 device also eliminates air bubbles, making it ideal for heavy lube and gear oil applications in cold temperatures. Reporting 4, 6, 14, 21, 38, 70 & >100 micron counts as well as categorizing any particle greater than 20 microns into: • Fatigue Wear; • Sliding Wear; • Cutting Wear; • Fibers;

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